why did old (like 90s/2000s) GPS take up to 15 minutes to get a lock, in giant bulky units, but my running watch gets it in 15 seconds?


why did old (like 90s/2000s) GPS take up to 15 minutes to get a lock, in giant bulky units, but my running watch gets it in 15 seconds?

In: 3751

24 Answers

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In 1985 I started looking for Haley’s comet. This was before it went around the sun so you needed to know where to look (by knowing the stars) and be in a very dark sky.

Once in a great while someone I was with would see a satellite. You could tell it was a satellite because they were like not-very-bright-stars, but not as bright as airplanes and they moved at a pace faster than airplanes, but much slower than any other celestial body.

I think we saw 3 in total during all the months we tracked that comet.

I know a guy who knows nothing of satellites or stars but he has a bad back. He sits in his hot tub every night. He will sit there and say…Yep, there goes that one. Now watch! Three in a row are coming up.

There are vastly more satellites in the sky now.

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