Why did Soviet Union break up? What exactly went wrong?


Why did Soviet Union break up? What exactly went wrong?

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22 Answers

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This is a highly debated topic u will see many people claiming they know what happened. There are many factors that led to the dissolution of the Soviet Union but I’ll name the major ones.

1. Liberalization. When Gorbachev came in power he attempted to move away from the hardline soviet model. When he did this the foundations of what the Soviet Union was built on crumpled. Opening of the press, western private business, and he gave many Soviet satellite dates the right to gather and protest against the government.

2. Money. The Soviet Union was isolated and lacking behind the western economies. There central planning was lazy. Quotas were instated but supervisors found ways around them, workers had no greater incentive to work harder due, and the soviets threw more man power and material at underperforming factories to help make up.

3. Stagnation. The Soviet economy stagnated in the 70s. They were late to innovate and upgrade to keep up with western economies because again the poorly planned economy.

All of this lead to civil unrest in Eastern Europe and the generally negative opinion of the Soviet system. In the end the Soviet Union bled out from the inside trying to maintain a facade that it couldn’t

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