Why did Soviet Union break up? What exactly went wrong?


Why did Soviet Union break up? What exactly went wrong?

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22 Answers

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With the glasnost of Gorbachev came an increased flow out outside influences. There had already been a long history out Western information revealing the lies of Soviet State actors and institutions, but the arrival of the VCR and smuggled/pirated video tapes now made them clearly visible.

Credit had been given to the television series Dallas, whose central conflict of two brothers and their families forever at odds with each other mirrored many themes of traditional Russian stories. Except that here, instead of arguments over who got to milk the cow this week, it was over oil fields, and investments. Plus, everybody had a big house, fancy cars, and dressed well — including the plebes who served them! That last part was the knife twist.

As a Central American immigrant supposedly said, “I want to live in a country where the poor people are fat!”

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