Why did Soviet Union break up? What exactly went wrong?


Why did Soviet Union break up? What exactly went wrong?

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22 Answers

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The weapons reduction agreement begun some 20 years before greatly reduced fear among the Soviet Union; fear that was used to hold a forced participation of countries to only associate with “their frenemy’s” Gradually “the weapons” were greatly reduced by both sides, and massive interest in “seeing other people” started.

No longer feeling as insecure, countries within, but near the borders became more active to “choose” for themselves. At the same time, then leader Gorbachev was “seeing other people” touring and enjoying time in the “free nations” and agreeing to reduce Soviet weapons. Great relief of many years of threats of harm evaporated, and a feeling that those who wanted to leave could started.

What went wrong, persistent struggle to feed themselves vs. the other guys always having a lot of food and nice things was never solved by Soviet leaders, causing mistrust between average Joe and Leadership. Of course not this simple in “events” but core issues.

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