Why did the East German Military go through the effort and expense of making doilies? And why did the Italians have an issued tool to open wine bottles? Was looking at the army surplus store and found some weird stuff.


In addition, I found that the Pakistani rucks were white canvas which would stick out like a sore thumb, and hot countries in North Africa still wear wool for some reason.

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5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

>In addition, I found that the Pakistani rucks were white canvas which would stick out like a sore thumb

Pakistan borders they himilayas

Anonymous 0 Comments

Militaries need a lot of seamingly random things as they are quite huge enterprises with lots of units who needs special equipment. Doilies can help make things a bit easier on the eye and will help raise morale. Especially in officers quarters. Wine can similarly raise morale and need openers, however a wine opener can also be used in various other situations. Pakistan have glaciers and these have been the place of battles in the not so distant past. The Pakistani army is therefore fully equiped with white camuflage gear in order to fight in the cold mountains. And wool is actually quite good in hot climates as it will whick away sweat to help it evaporate and keep you cool.

Anonymous 0 Comments

If I remember correctly, when people left the East German Military they were given a scarf and a doily as mementos of their time in the service. The doily you found probably was stitched with something like Nationale Volksarmie

It was their version of a gold watch at retirement.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Armies have their little priorities for the happiness of their troops. British vehicles have facilities to make tea.

Don’t underestimate wool. It doesn’t always make you hot, and it is naturally fireproof. You can burn it with direct flame, but it can’t sustain a flame on its own. The fire will go out as soon as the ignition source is removed.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Morale, probably. Soldiers feel better if they get little luxuries like wine or chocolate. If you have a domestic industry making a product, they might want to offer their product to members of the military. This gives them product sales and good press, and might encourage the soldiers to keep using the product after they leave the military. Pizza became popular in the US partly because soldiers who fought in Italy in World War II developed a taste for it. Hershey got a big boost in their business when they made chocolate for the US military in WWII. Coca Cola got so big partly because they provided Coke for members of the military. Makers of other products would probably love it if this happened to them.