Why did the Soviet Union have a Nationalized airline industry unlike literally every other country?


Why did the Soviet Union have a Nationalized airline industry unlike literally every other country?


6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

> Why did the Soviet Union have a Nationalized airline industry

Because communism

>unlike literally every other country?

Air India: Am I a joke to you?

Anonymous 0 Comments

Australia had TWO national airlines, we privatised Qantas just after WWII and TAA was fully privatised in the 90s.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Most nations early on had nationalised airlines, it was a way of having a reserve of pilots in case of war; Aeroflot was just one of many, the difference was that the Soviet Union continued to support their airline long after most others had stopped.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The Soviet Union had a nationalized everything industry. It was kind of their whole schtick— the state taking control of the means of production on behalf of the proletariat.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because of communism. Communism requires a total control of the economy by the State, and thus every companies are Nationalized. They are not the only one to have done so. France nationalized it’s aircraft manufactures in 1936, and still to this day, Dassault and Airbus are partially owned by the State.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because communism, but that’s not true at all.

When the Soviet Union was a thing Portugal (for instance) had a national airline. It was privatised since the n and it is about to be partially nationalised again.

Still today many countries have fully or partially national airlines.
