Why didn’t Y2K problem end the world?


Why didn’t Y2K problem end the world?

In: Engineering

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Much of the concern was overblown.

A powerplant wouldn’t stop working because it suddenly thought it was a hundred years earlier, for example. The power would still flow.

Any systems that might have had a problem would have been worked on for months before. Switches from the savage two-digit problem were either changed to understand it meant a new century, it were changed to a more forward-thinking date use. The systems that didn’t get changed were largely found to not be critical or dramatically impacted.

There’s another potential problems as the “milliseconds since 1 January 1970” that many systems use will run out of milliseconds in 2038, if they use 32-bit integers. People are changing these systems as well.

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