Why do aircraft cockpits have so many buttons and switches? What do all those actually control and are they all used?


Why do aircraft cockpits have so many buttons and switches? What do all those actually control and are they all used?

In: 26

11 Answers

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Most of the controls needed to fly the plane are the ones in front of the pilot and in the centre console. But that’s still quite a lot. You have a the yoke and throttle, of course, but there’s also landing gear, flaps, and a couple of other essential controls.

Then you have a radio. At the very least this needs a numeric pad to set the frequency. You also need controls for autopilot and navigation.

In an airliner, you also have a bunch of other non-essential controls. The “Please fasten your seatbelts” sign needs a switch. There’s an intercom for giving pilot announcements to the passengers, cabin lights and things like that. It all adds up.

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