Why do aircraft cockpits have so many buttons and switches? What do all those actually control and are they all used?


Why do aircraft cockpits have so many buttons and switches? What do all those actually control and are they all used?

In: 26

11 Answers

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Throttle-engine power. Maybe different throttles for different engines

Anti collision lights

landing lights

Buttons for modifying the instruments, setting airfield local air pressure or control areas designated air pressure-this is so the aircraft is assuming the same pressure as all other aircraft and therefore altitude if not accurately reported is atleast good in reference to other planes.

Navigational buttons all the way from the old VOR beacons to modern GPS etc.

Control surfaces for adapting the trim of the aircraft, adjusting the amount of pressure a pilot needs to exert on the controls.

Fuel mixture levers allow you to set the amount of oxygen mixing.

Engine priming allows you to inject fuel into the engine to start it up.

The on switch.

Fuel tank switches.

Radio buttons. Larger aircraft may be able to tune into more than one radio frequency. These needs controls to change the frequency, volume etc.

Source_ am a small aircraft pilot, I imagine there are a lot more in bigger planes, but the big commercial aircraft will have something similar to all this and with more sophistication

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