Why do airplanes spiral down towards the airport upon descent rather than just a straight shot while decreasing altitude?


Also this may be a whole other post I need to make but bonus question for anyone interested in answering: Why can I perceive the tilt(like the cabin is angled more towards the sky or is leaning to the left or right) of the airplane cabin even though I am in the same upright position in relation to the actual cabin itself?

In: Physics

8 Answers

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Planes have to land on the runway they’re told to and from the direction they’re told to. That is rarely in the direction they are flying , so some turn is needed. Also they have to follow certain patterns in the sky to minimize the effect of their noise. That can require turns on approach which may resemble a spiral.

Bonus answer: I believe most of your awareness of tilt comes from visual clues. You can also sense an increase in downward force, but most of that is perpendicular to the cabin floor. One advantage to banking is minimizing the effect of the turn on the passengers. If they turned using only the tail rudder, everything on your tray table would slide off. They use both the rudder, elevators and ailerons in a coordinated turn.

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