Why do ants immediately resort to biting you?


Dont get me wrong, it *sounds* like an extremely dumb question but let me explain. If I put my hand in an ant hill, they will immediately bite me. But say I threw a rock or stick in their hill, do they attempt to bite said rock/stick? If not, how can they tell a difference

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4 Answers

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Ants are defending their colony from a threat, and the only way they can attack (or really do anything) is by biting. Think of it like a Godzilla style of scenario – if a giant organism attacked a city, people aren’t just going to run away, there will be a great effort by the inhabitants to deal with the threat.

Also, yes they do try to attack inanimate objects, because again it’s a threat to their home. I actually found this interesting article: [Ants cause equipment failure in the French Alps](https://www.thebmc.co.uk/abseil-slings-when-ants-attack), where biting releases formic acid (named after ants, *Formica*) that can corrode materials.

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