Why do appliance repairs (dishwasher, laundry, fridge, etc.) seemingly cost as much as the appliances themselves?


Why do appliance repairs (dishwasher, laundry, fridge, etc.) seemingly cost as much as the appliances themselves?

In: 5618

52 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Imagine baking a cake. You bake two 8″ rounds, pop one out, put a layer of icing on top of it, plop the second on top, then frost the whole thing. Not too hard, right? Especially if you’ve been baking cakes for years.

Now imagine your customer has a finished cake, but there’s something wrong with it. Oh no! You need to fix it! But the customer doesn’t know exactly what’s wrong with it. Is it the wrong color frosting? Are there almonds instead of walnuts in it? Is there chocolate frosting between the layers instead of vanilla? Are there raisins in it!?!?! Well, you have to figure that out.

So you have to test the outer frosting, carefully take samples of each layer, carefully separate the layers to look between, and you found it! The middle frosting is white vanilla when it is supposed to be vanilla dyed pink! So you carefully remove all the white vanilla, then go back to the shop to look up exactly *which* shade of pink it was supposed to have, make a new batch of the right color pink, then reapply it to the middle, then re-stack and button up the cake so it looks good as new.

Which of those two processes seems like it will take longer? Because human labor is so valuable, the biggest driver of cost is the amount of time it takes a person to fix it.

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