Why do appliance repairs (dishwasher, laundry, fridge, etc.) seemingly cost as much as the appliances themselves?


Why do appliance repairs (dishwasher, laundry, fridge, etc.) seemingly cost as much as the appliances themselves?

In: 5618

52 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Mostly because appliances are stupid cheap nowadays, and labor is very expensive.

A dishwasher costs $500 (everything is done outside the US where labor is cheaper). Labor is roughly $100 per hour most places in the US right now (this is for a licensed and bonded trained professional though a business, not a handyman on craigslist wage). So anything that takes more than 5 hours work is a wash. You’re looking at at least a 1/2 hour in transportation, then a half hour taking the thing apart and another half hour putting it back together, and another hour to test it. That’s half the price of the dishwasher baked right into the repair estimate and it’s not counting the cost of even fixing anything.

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