Why do autumn trees of the same species change colour at different times?

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I don’t mean differing tree types, but trees in the same woodland, of the same species, can be in completely different stages of shedding- how come? Why do they not all loose their leaves around the same time?

In: Biology

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Different trees have different triggers. Some react to changes in temperature. Others to light intensity or length of daylight. And all have their own internal clock. There is just the same variation in when trees bud, come into leaf, blossom and seed.

Anonymous 0 Comments

because there is always a little genetic difference…….the same way identical twins might live the same lifestyle but one might go grey first.

there is an expected band of time in which we expect things to happen; so long as it happens within that window, everything is normal

Anonymous 0 Comments

Not all trees in the same wood have the same environment. Some may be on drier or wetter ground, or be exposed to more or less direct sunlight. This can effect their triggering process.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Soil can be very different even a few meters apart – where one tree may still be basking in saturated soil a nearby tree may be starting to experience dryness. And their root systems can be vastly different, exacerbating those differences.

Anonymous 0 Comments

A tree at the top of a hill will get more light than a tree at the bottom of a hill. A tree that is exposed to the elements will get more cold than a tree that is less exposed. As the seasons shift these differences are exacerbated. Additionally every tree has slight differences within the same species.