Why do banks and businesses charge a returned check fee if your check doesn’t clear, but if your debit card is declined it just is declined with no fees?


Why do banks and businesses charge a returned check fee if your check doesn’t clear, but if your debit card is declined it just is declined with no fees?

In: Other

4 Answers

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Usually you don’t get charged bounced check fees if the store has the ability to immediately withdraw the money as if it were a debit card. Stores freaked a few people out when they’d hand the check back to the customer.

The fees were to recoup the cost of people’s time in processing the check, and because there were a lot of people would couldn’t balance a checkbook. Sort of a stupid tax for some, and a deterrent for those intentionally passing a bad check, or taking the chance on getting money deposited before the check was deposited by the store.

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