Why do burns hurt so much and why does it vary depending on the type (wet/dry). Also, what classifies the 1st/2nd/3rd degree?


Why do burns hurt so much and why does it vary depending on the type (wet/dry). Also, what classifies the 1st/2nd/3rd degree?

In: Biology

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

There are 3 basic layers of skin: the epidermis on the outside, dermis in the middle, and then subcutaneous tissue.

1st degree: damage to only the outer layer/epidermis, no blisters

2nd degree: damage to the epidermis and part of the dermis, blisters appear

3rd degree: epidermis and dermis are completely destroyed, subcutaneous tissue may also be damaged.

There are lots of pain receptors closer to the surface and less when you get deeper, so most shallower burns hurt a whole lot. Deeper burns like deep second and third degree burns may actually not be painful because the pain receptors are destroyed. Don’t know much about wet/dry.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Burns damage the nerves, so they send pain signals.

1st degree burns are simple heat extremes, like sunburn or touching a hot cup.

2nd degree burns damage the top of skin, like blistering and peeling off skin.

3rd degree burns destroy the top layers of skin and damage or destroy layers beneath.