Why do caffeinated drinks not always keep you awake?


Sometimes when I for example drink coffee, I still feel exhausted and just fall asleep?

In: Chemistry

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The body can build a tolerance to caffeine, but most importantly it’s not giving the body energy it just enhancing the way the body uses its energy.

At some point your energy levels run out.

That’s why caffeine is normally in sugary drinks the sugar helps provide the fuel the body needs to stay awake, but the sugar crash is going hit sooner or later.

Sleep is essential so don’t fight it, it’s good for your general health.
Caffeine never really did me much good I could drink a red bull and go straight to sleep.
However I also find I don’t need as much sleep as I did years ago.
I had to get my 7 or 8 hours or be a wreak the next day, now I can get 4 and get through the day.

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