Why do car tires squeal when you turn corners in parking garages even at very low speeds?


Why do car tires squeal when you turn corners in parking garages even at very low speeds?

In: 14

5 Answers

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probably because it isn’t possible (geometrically speaking) for all four tires to move along their “rolling axis” (there’s no such name i just made it up). By that i mean, the “x” axis on the sketch below. Necessarily, there will be one or more tires that will be slipping (which means, moving along the “y” axis on the sketch below)

sketch in question, found on google: [https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Dhananjay-Thombare/publication/264991925/figure/fig1/AS:392049141534721@1470483207277/Tire-Axis-Terminology.png](https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Dhananjay-Thombare/publication/264991925/figure/fig1/AS:392049141534721@1470483207277/Tire-Axis-Terminology.png)

For a car with four wheels, and where the two front wheels always face the same direction, as well as the two rear wheels, the only case where all four tires may roll without slipping (a.k.a, no movement along the “y” axis for any of them), is when the car is rolling in a straight line with all four tires directed in the same direction. Otherwise, they will be slipping, and i guess it slips all the more as you’re making a close turn (like when you’re parking)

I can’t say for sure, but i would say it is the slipping that is making the sound you’re talking about.

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