Why do cars go faster than the highest speed limit?


If the highest speed limit is 60 why make cars go any faster than 60-70 at most?

In: Other

7 Answers

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As some have stated, different jurisdictions have different speed limits, even in the same jurisdictions different roads have different limits such as SH 130 in Texas has a speed limit of 85 where as IH 35 has a limit of 60-75 depending on the specific section of the highway, there is the safety aspect (losing the option to speed up in situations where that speed could be useful such as trying to quickly get out of the way), but also don’t forget that speed limits change.

If you have wondered why in older cars, say from the 70s and 80s, it’s pretty common to have 55 marked on the speedometer? Because for quite a while that was the highest speed limit in the US. There is actually an [Sammy Hagar](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RvV3nn_de2k) song about the old speed limit. And if you go back even further in history and jump across the pond to UK they originally had a speed limit of 20 mph. And who is to say that in the next 20-40 years as more automation takes over driving that we won’t be able to raise the speed limit even further?

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