why do cars in testing phase have such badass painting? why does it look like that?



Edit: this pic i posted isn’t actually “testing phase paint”, [this one is](https://akm-img-a-in.tosshub.com/indiatoday/images/story/201706/honda-accord_story_647_061417022650.jpg). Still badass, tho

In: Other

21 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I live in a climate were they test new cars. We see a lot of european cars being tested. This is because of our -30 temperatures in the winter. Each car does not have a paint job in your photos but a fabric jacket over the vehicle. This is to hide all of the lines and styling.

Fun fact: each year they put out a “looking for drivers” ad to drive vehicles like the one you have pictured. It is required you have a perfect driving record with no prior speeding tickets. Once you get the job you drive these performance sports cars at speed limit in a line of 5 of the same vehicle for 8 hours a day. All in town driving, making as many turns as possible. It seems incredible boring.

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