Why do cartoon creators have little control over their show compared to the network/parent company?


Take Nickelodeon and Spongebob for example. The late Stephen Hillenburg created the show and even had a set number of seasons he wanted before ending the show but ultimately Nick/Viacom had complete control and milked it for all it’s worth. I admit, I am ignorant to the business but if I’m the one creating the content why does the network/company get more of a say over what is done with my creation than I do?

In: 3

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Nickelodeon went to hillenburg and said “we will pay you x dollars to produce a tv show.” The studio is basically “buying a tv show” in a sense, and once its made its theirs. The creator may have specific ideas but at the end of the day its not their final decision to make

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