Why do certain muscles spasm randomly when doing a simple task like just picking up a backpack that you’ve picked up before fine but after it feels really sore?


I don’t know if it’s muscles I’m talking about or another part of the body – I can’t think of right now sorry. I went to pick up my work backpack the same as I do everyday, but yesterday and my shoulder more so like neck area completely spazed and it was a burn. I hate that feeling. Today my neck and shoulder are so sore why does the body do that? Is it the same as a Charlie horse??

In: Biology

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Muscle spasm is basically either a fuck up in the contraction process or a defense mechanism. Normally your brain would send a signal via nerves to a specific muscle (more specifically to hubs that control the fibers of that muscle) and those hubs then perform a chemical reaction to make a muscle contract.

When you are not eating well enough or are too tired to send “proper signals” your muscle can cramp up due to a problem with the chemical reaction. Alternatively if you perform a motion of the joint that causes this joint to get hurt your body will contract the surrounding muscles to basically stabilize the area and limit the range of motion of the joint while it heals. This is why people with neck spasms can’t turn their head for example.

This process is very basic though and sometimes the body can get it wrong: maybe you didn’t hurt your neck that badly but it still contracted all the muscles causing you discomfort. A qualified doctor will be able to tell the difference.

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