Why do certain things trigger our skin to “crawl”?


For me, it’s the sound of dry napkins/paper towels or getting cotton under my fingernails. I know a lot of people struggle with scratching chalk boards.

In: 7

2 Answers

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No explanation here but holy shit do I remember being triggered on the paper towels thing. There used to be a commercial for Bounty where a kitchen knife cut a segment of a paper towel roll into a sponge and imagining the sound it would make absolutely made my skin crawl. Far worse than nails on a chalkboard. In fact, the idea of sticking a dull kitchen knife into a roll of paper towels just feels….loathsome. Ugh.

I have a general idea where, evolutionarily speaking, these aversions come from. Trypophobia makes sense to me. But the paper towel thing? No idea.

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