Why do civilizations collapse in every era of Earth and what leads up to it?


We’ve never had the technology we have today. Disease and Health or lack of and Wealth or lack of, are the only 2 consistent factors imo that every civilization has had.
Curious what others think.

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6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The larger and wealthier a civilization grows, the more fragile it becomes. At a most basic level, there are more people to feed, cities to sanitize, borders to guard, populace to police and diplomatic relations to maintain.

Essentially, the bigger a civilization grows, the more dominoes get added that can topple and affect everything else.

>We’ve never had the technology we have today.

That’s not necessarily a good thing. Today’s societies are very fragile with many dependencies and on top of that, they’re entirely unsustainable.

Right now, we’re in the middle of both a climate catastrophe and a mass extinction event. Both were caused by the wants of a tiny minority of humanity, the wealthy West representing some 20% of humanity total.

How that 20% lives is utterly unsustainable. It’s literally causing a global climate catastrophe while Earth’s biomass and biodiversity is imploding. But rather than facing the problem, people are kicking the can down the road. We’d rather keep living like we are than change our lifestyle.

At the same time, the remainder of humanity is slowly becoming more affluent and demanding the same unsustainable lifestyle.

Many previous civilizations fell when they constructed a lifestyle that they outgrew without adapting to their new reality.

We are doing no different and our technology makes no difference to a culture that willfully constructs a lifestyle that cannot be maintained.

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