Why do civilizations collapse in every era of Earth and what leads up to it?


We’ve never had the technology we have today. Disease and Health or lack of and Wealth or lack of, are the only 2 consistent factors imo that every civilization has had.
Curious what others think.

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6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Technology won’t stop the cycle of empires. Math didn’t, iron didn’t, writing didn’t, the printing press didn’t, I don’t think the internet will. Basically, a society is formed by diverse groups unifying to survive in a harsh environment. Then the society gets more organized and makes the environment less harsh. Then, a generation later, the rulers who never suffered adversity rest on their laurels, ignorant to the suffering of the poor. The inequality of the haves and the have-nots creates social upheaval, and society is broken. The ability to stave off a harsh environment crumbles. Then, diverse groups unify to survive in the harsh environment, repeating the cycle.

I’d say we’re in the early social upheaval stage.

[Here’s a video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yqvmMFJQtm0&list=PLDb22nlVXGgd1hCvsCeLZprHKDjp1dU43&index=10) about they guy who figured it out the pattern 600 years ago.

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