Why do civilizations collapse in every era of Earth and what leads up to it?


We’ve never had the technology we have today. Disease and Health or lack of and Wealth or lack of, are the only 2 consistent factors imo that every civilization has had.
Curious what others think.

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6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

There’s a number of possible reasons.

Natural disasters. This could result in famine, large loss of life, etc.

Invasion. Well, that’s obvious. Someone else destroys the civilisation.

Mass migration. Massive amounts of people move in. Basically an invasion but might not involve fighting, or large scale fighting.

Idiots in charge. You might have a flourishing civilisation and then an idiot, or successive idiots, are in charge, they make dumb decisions and this results in either fracturing, less powerful enemies moving in, etc, etc, etc.

Foreign decisions. If a civilisation requires foreign trade to survive (say food imports) and who they get food imports from stop selling it to them then they may collapse due large loss of life due to famine.

Destruction of the natural environment. There have been civilisations that have collapsed because they’ve destroyed their environment. There have been island civilisations that have cut down every tree on their island and then died out.

Disease. This one is rather obvious. Disease comes in and wipes out large amounts of people. The survivors may drift off elsewhere, not be able to resist invasion or mass immigration, or the survivors create a new civilisation.

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