Why do common household items (shampoo, toothpaste, medicine, etc.) have expiration dates and what happens once the expiration date passes?


Why do common household items (shampoo, toothpaste, medicine, etc.) have expiration dates and what happens once the expiration date passes?

In: Other

20 Answers

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Most things are not going to be terribly problematic, it just means the company isn’t going to replace it if it has gone a little off and is thus a weird consistency, flavor, color, or doesn’t work as well. As an RDH, I’ve used expired toothpaste. Maybe the fluoride was slightly less effective, but most things are not going to become completely useless the day after expiration. Shampoo and stuff I’d just try, see if it still seems to work fine. Serious meds for serious conditions I’d trash as you want to be sure you are getting the right dosage. Something like an old aspirin for a minor headache, I’d probably just take it and see if it worked. No big deal if it doesn’t.

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