Why do companies based in paper products (toilet paper, paper towels, plates/bowls, etc) use trees for their products, instead of faster growing plants like bamboo or hemp?


Using plants that grow quicker and use less water seems like a better business decision to me.

In: 211

16 Answers

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There once was a newspaper magnate named William Randolph Hearst. He owned a paper making company, too to give to his newspaper company. One day, people started using hemp as a way to replace paper, she his business was getting hurt. He published many made up stories in his newspaper about an evil-sounding drug being brought in by “dirty Mexicans and blacks” called “marijuana.” Everyone was afraid that these people were dating their white daughters, so he got hemp made illegal. Now we all have to use paper, even though the founding fathers grew hemp. *The more you know 🌈 and sound play here.*

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