Why do computer screens project black when they can just project nothing?


If your monitor is off it projects nothing so why can’t they just project nothing for black?

In: 11

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Some do, some don’t. There are 2 types of screens (nowadays at least):

**LCD/LED:** Each pixel is split into a red, green, and blue sub-pixel. There is a light behind the screen (backlight) that shines through the pixels, and each sub-pixel acts like a filter that only allows a certain color of light through. The amount of light that each sub-pixel lets through can be controlled electronically. Therefore we start with WHITE light, and based on the amount of each color we filter out we end up with our final color for that pixel. These filters aren’t perfect, so even when they’re *trying* to block 100% of the light (black) they’re still accidentally letting some through.

Both LCD and LED both use LCDs to filter the light, the only difference is that traditional LCD screens use fluorescent lights for a backlight, and LEDs use LED lights for the backlight allowing them to be thinner.

**OLED/AMOLED**: Instead of starting with white light and filtering out the colors we want like LCD/LEDs do, each sub-pixel on an OLED/AMOLED screen *is it’s own light!* Not only can these screens be incredibly thin because we don’t have that pesky backlight anymore, but it also means we can choose to turn a pixel completely off, getting pure black.

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