Why do computer screens use RGB if red blue and yellow are the primary colours?


Why do computer screens use RGB if red blue and yellow are the primary colours?

In: Other

3 Answers

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It’s more Cyan (which is sorta blueish), Yellow, and Magenta (which is sorta

Paints are stuff that absorb some color, but not others.

Cyan paint absorbs all the Red and nothing else.
Magenta absorbs all the Green and nothing else.
Yellow paint absorbs all the Blue and nothing else.

So it’s the exact opposite of what a monitor does.

So if you have a white paper, you do the opposite you would do with a monitor screen, and you get the same image.

EG, If you want white on a place in a monitor, you turn on all RBG indicators to the max, if you want white paper, you don’t put any ink.
If you want yellow, you turn on Red and Green to the max and leave Blue to 0, if you want to make a paper yellow, you put the not Blue Ink, which is Yellow.

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