Why do computers start to slow down over time?


Why do computers start to slow down over time?

In: 1180

37 Answers

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Imagine you have a fresh, organized garage. You use it every day, and put everything back. But, sometimes you miss something or lose a small part, like a screw. Do this for 3 years straight, and you have a small pile of organized chaos to a small degree. Your space is workable, but it’s not all the same anymore as inaccuracies build and reused items wear out. The same happens with code errors over time, and to a point degradation in hardware, usually the accuracy of the data in the storage drive. The more programs and tools you have, the more little bits can end in the wrong place.

Resetting it does a full rework of your garage, getting every lost item back into it’s rightful place, or restoring lost bits, which is why it’s ‘faster’ … the hardware itself doesn’t get faster, but it is running as efficiently as when you started, since you get rid of the clutter and malfunctioning bits.

My installs take years to slow down since I’ve developed good usage habits over the last 30 years of using computers, but they still need to be nuked and redone every now and then, once system file errors and driver problems start piling up beyond recovery.

I make money when people give me their ‘broken’ computers because people are not taught at all culturally to take care and preserve their possessions.

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