Why do computers start to slow down over time?


Why do computers start to slow down over time?

In: 1180

37 Answers

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I’d like to add that not just installed programs and the operating systems get more bloated over years, but also things like website are way more complex than a few years ago. Bigger images, more animations and more scripts that do things in the background.

So if you open a few websites they consume a lot of memory. My notebook has 8 GB of ram which was more than enough a few years ago. Nowadays my machine would sometime get sloggish if I have too many tabs and applications open at the same time.

Oh and BTW, in the days of mechanical hard drives there was the problem of fragmentation. Files get constantly copy and deleted which leads to parts of files being cluttered over the hard drive. Reading these cluttered files would take much longer with mechanical drives. So you’d either had to defragment your drive after a while or deploy file systems which mitigated the effect somewhat.

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