Why do computers start to slow down over time?


Why do computers start to slow down over time?

In: 1180

37 Answers

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Two reasons.

On the one hand, parts degrade slowly but surely over time, especially if not properly maintained. Dust coats connectors, corrosion hits exposed parts, mechanisms wear down from use. This causes those parts to work a little less efficiently over time.

On the other hand, computers are made obsolete by progress. When a computer is made, its hardware is pretty much set. It processes things at a certain speed, is capable of certain things, can store a certain amount of data, so on so forth. Unless you change out the parts, that is all that particular computer will be capable of. But newer computers are designed to be more capable. And new software is designed to use what those newer computers are capable of. Over time, software needs more and more resources, and eventually it needs more resources than an old computer is capable of providing.

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