Why do credit card swiping machines have different protocol in every store and seem to be so difficult to use for cashiers?


It seems like they are very badly made. Why wouldn’t these be standardized by now? Like, a lot of them have the chip reading slot but it is taped over and you must swipe? I also feel like cashiers are constantly complaining about them not cooperating. Why do they operate so poorly?

In: Technology

9 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

There’s a lot of information here, but some of it comes down to the fact that there are different companies that make credit card machines and different companies that make software for those machines. You may see a credit card machine in one location that seems identical to another, but the software inside may be different based on the company licensing the device.

Your retailers have a contract with their bank for their device. Now, depending on how much they want to spend for their processing, they will get a more or less advanced version of the hardware/software combination.
Source: have worked in the credit card industry for 20 years.

If the retailer has an old device or a bad phone system or bad cabling, they could have “flaky” issues.

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