Why do dark bags form under your eyes from lack of sleep?


Why do dark bags form under your eyes from lack of sleep?

In: Biology

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’m not a doctor, so here’s the relevant except from an article I found after a 15-second Google search.

> When the body is tired, production of the chemical cortisol is dramatically increased to help give you the energy you need to stay awake. Among many other things, cortisol actually increases the volume of the blood in your body, which causes the blood vessels (including the ones below your eyes) to engorge to accommodate it. As we’ve already mentioned, dark circles are mostly caused by us seeing our blood vessels / blood through our skin, so it stands to reason that when those blood vessels are engorged, they’d be easier to see, even in people who may have been blessed with thicker skin below their eyes.

Source: https://gizmodo.com/what-causes-dark-circles-under-your-eyes-1584754813

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