Why do dentists stab your gums and then tell you you dont floss enough?


I’ve always wondered what the purpose is, also are they actually stabbing your gums or just near enough to make them sensitive? There has to be a more complex medical reason then just telling people they need to floss

In: Biology

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I assume you’re talking about when they probe your teeth. They place the probe in the pocket between your tooth surface and the gum. They’re checking for depth or how far it can go in. If it goes in further than a certain amount, its an indication that you may have periodontitis – Inflammation of the periodontium (structure that amongst other things, keeps your tooth in place) which usually goes hand-in-hand with inflammation of the gums (Gingivitis) that both may result in bleeding gums when probed or when you brush there.

A way to improve the condition is to floss correctly once a day, as it removes any food or debris that bacteria present in those pockets can feed on and cause the inflammation. Make sure your brushing technique is correct and you get into those pockets with your brush too.

Source: 4th year student – take my answer with a pinch of salt.

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