Why do domestic animals get excited to eat the same food over and over again?


Why do domestic animals get excited to eat the same food over and over again?

In: 39

34 Answers

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Humans not getting excited to eat the same thing over and over again is very much a first world phenomenon. When food is so absurdly abundant we developed this trait.

Wild animals, domestic animals, even humans in 3rd world countries all get excited *not for the same food* but just for food itself.

If you leave food out for your dog all day long, and he is allowed to eat as much as he wants all day and you will always fill the bowl, he never gets excited for the food, and he’ll probably get fat.

Many dog owners restrict the amount of food their dogs get so they don’t get fat. This might entail a feeding twice a day as an example. The dog is excited, because he’s hungry!

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