Why do download bars show 100% for more than 0 seconds?


Why do download bars show 100% for more than 0 seconds?

In: Technology

11 Answers

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Download progress bars will display 100% at the completion of the download, then continue to display that until the file is closed.

There are a lot of things going on at that time.
The file is closed, checked for data corruption, temp buffers are closed, handshakes between machines are terminated, the file system is updated with the location of every block of data.
Depending on operating system, the file is placed in the smallest available location on the hard drive that will accommodate file with the least amount of fragmentation.
The temporary holding file is closed, the download manager is updated and temporary status for download resume is closed. The temporary file is then deleted.
Most of the time all this takes just a second or two.

If you gave a decent anti-virus there is an added time for the file to be scanned and some av programs will do a sandbox check on executable files. There are also checks for malware, phishing, and ransomware signatures.

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