Why do dryers and the sun make static electricity


Why do dryers and the sun make static electricity

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Anonymous 0 Comments

Friction generates static charge. The classic way to generate static charge is by rubbing wool on plastic. This will cause the plastic to become negatively charged, as it is more electeophilic (electron loving) than wool is. So in a dryer, when you’re tumblind things around, you obviously generate lots of friction. Also, water is a poor conductor, and so higher humidity levels will reduce the amount of static. Because dryers have lots of hot, dry air, this is a recipe for tons of static charge!

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Why do dryers and the sun make static electricity

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Anonymous 0 Comments

Friction generates static charge. The classic way to generate static charge is by rubbing wool on plastic. This will cause the plastic to become negatively charged, as it is more electeophilic (electron loving) than wool is. So in a dryer, when you’re tumblind things around, you obviously generate lots of friction. Also, water is a poor conductor, and so higher humidity levels will reduce the amount of static. Because dryers have lots of hot, dry air, this is a recipe for tons of static charge!

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