Why do electronic devices like phones and computers seem slower initially after they reboot?


Why do electronic devices like phones and computers seem slower initially after they reboot?

In: Technology

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

They are loading things back into memory, on top of connecting to servers to see if there’s updates or anything going on. But loading things back into memory takes time and resources, your phone may get a bit warm during this. This is why Apple does not recommend killing apps to free up memory, because iOS will already automatically kill apps to free up memory as needed. By killing them yourself you’re just forcing them to be loaded back into memory all over again when you open the app again. If there’s apps running in the background that you don’t want running in the background, you can kill them to stop that but you should just revoke their permissions to run in the background instead of just trying to manually keep track of that. iOS even starts to ask you every now and then “are you sure you meant to let this app run in the background?” for new apps, they know people just click yes to everything to get a new app going.

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