Why do engine exhaust sounds get louder and higher pitched as RPM’s increase?


Also, does exhaust pitch stay the same, given the same RPM but in different gears? I ask because it sounds like pitch decreases as you go into higher gears.

In: Other

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Louder and higher pitched are two different things. One is frequency the other is amplitude. So for example the human ear can hear frequencies from 20-20k Hz. Where frequency just means how often something is happening in a given time and Hz denotes that his time is a second. So idk 26400 rpm (revolutions per minute) would be 440 Hz or an “a” in musical pitch. If it goes faster it gets higher if it runs slower it goes lower.

So if you’d picture your ear drum, the pitch is how often it gets pushed around in a second, while the amplitude (the loudness) is how far it’s pushed. So a loud signal can be slow moving an low pitched while a high pitched signal can be very quite.

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