Why do escalator handrails never run at the same speed as the escalator itself does?


I assume some of you observed this before. When using an escalator I mostly notice that the handrails run just slightly faster/slower than the escalator itself. This is especially noticable when leaning against the handrail at the beginning; when at the finish you’ll most likely be tilted either up- or downwards.
I noticed this at multiple escalators around the world. It seems like this is a worldwide problem.
Can someone explain this difference in speed between the escalator and the handrail?

In: Engineering

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I could see the point of other commenters, but I was wondering if it had something to do with the handrail belt being a different circumference than the steps belt yet being driven by the same motor therefore it would run at a different rate of speed.

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