Why do facelifts look so unnatural? What prevents plastic surgeons from making seniors look like they did when they were 30?


When a 70 year old gets a facelift and plastic surgery, it looks like a 70 year old who had a facelift. Why is it impossible to convincingly reverse the effects of aging by tightening skin and re-sculpting?

In: 4690

27 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Slightly off topic, but let’s not forget that plastic surgeons do more than just facelifts and boob jobs to fight off aging.
I had a plastic surgeon who grafted skin from the side of my thighs onto the 3rd degree burns on the other side of my leg. ie; he used a vegetable peeler to peel skin off my leg to cover the open burn wounds with skin.
They also help women who have had mastectomies rebuild breasts so they do not feel self conscious.

People who have been in disfiguring accidents can find a lot of relief when a plastic surgeon helps them reduce the scars, or rebuild a nose that’s not there any more.

They are a lot more than just “facelift and liposuction” doctors.
I just thought I’d throw that out there. Maybe they can’t make a every 70 year old look like a 30 year old, but they can bring normalcy to people who need are suffering too.

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