why do flamingos stand on one leg and do they have a dominant leg?


why do flamingos stand on one leg and do they have a dominant leg?

In: Biology

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It is a resting behavior. They spend a good deal of their lives in the water and can sleep in that position. As for dominant leg most creatures have a dominant side, this is more obvious with creatures with hands.

And I am certain that flamingos don’t think about it. Having worked with them for years I can tell you that they are some of the dumbest birds on the planet. You catch / trap flamingos by walking in the opposite direction you want them to go and can literally walk them into a cage.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Flamingos don’t have a dominant leg, neither any other bird species have. Researchs has shown us that the bird family including chickens, gooses, swans and ducks stand on one leg to minimize their heat loss, while doing that, they balance their gravity center to not fall and hurt themself.

Anonymous 0 Comments
