Why do foam rollers work?


Why do foam rollers work?

In: Biology

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Your body breaks down glucose for energy. When you’re working out, so you have less oxygen, your body breaks it down into something called lactate. High lactate increases the acid levels in your muscles, which slows glucose production. This is a defence mechanism that protects the muscle.

Foam rollers help spread out the lactic acidosis, which helps with the burning sensation you get. They also increase blood flow and reduce tissue tension, also helping you recover faster.

Anonymous 0 Comments

There’s no changes to your muscles or tissues. No “lengthening” or “breaking adhesions”.

The simplest explanation of a complicated (and not fully understood) mechanism: Your brain perceives an area as tight or painful. By pressing the roller on that area your brain will perceive less tightness or pain in that area for a short time.

Over time a specific area may be able to tolerate increased pressure. This is not due to changes of the structure but due to the brain adapting to a consistent stimulus.