Why do gadgets (laptops / smartphones) require typing in the password after a restart although I have my fingerprint configured?


Although I have my fingerprint configured on my smartphone and laptop, every time I restart them I get asked to enter my password. They won’t let me in with the fingerprint. It feels like they’re aiming for another security layer, but how is a password more secure than a fingerprint? What are they thinking? Someone stole my fingertip?

In: 6

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Here’s how you steal a finger print:
* Get a bottle, a cup or anything with a fingerprint on it (for example from the trash).
* put a little bit of superglue in a bottle cap and tape the cap with the glue inside it onto the fingerprint, so the fumes come in contact with the skin-fat of the finger print
* The fingerprint should become white
* make a photo and photoshop it into a monochrome (black/white) picture
* print on foil
* spread wood glue on on the print, peel it of
* done

At least that’s how you could fool finger print readers from a few years ago. If it’s not 3D enough, then you could put more effort in it (printing and then etching).

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