Why do games cost more to direct download on a console than to buy a disc? Surely direct download saves the manufacturer costs on transport, shipping, actual materials for disks and packaging, setting up deals with retailers etc…


Why do games cost more to direct download on a console than to buy a disc? Surely direct download saves the manufacturer costs on transport, shipping, actual materials for disks and packaging, setting up deals with retailers etc…

In: Technology

23 Answers

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The console manufacturer, or even the game producer, does not want to screw their own distributors by undercutting them. Obviously, nobody can price-compete with the manufacturer.

If Blizzard was selling Diablo for $40 on their website while everybody else was selling it for $45, obviously nobody would buy it anywhere else. Great, you think, Blizzard gets all the profits! In reality, they lose a lot of money because nobody will even try to sell that item in their own shops. Blizzard loses all the sales in physical and online shops.

If you go to a manufacturer of any product and try to buy it as an end user, they will most likely send you away with a contact number to one of their vendors.

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