Why do games cost more to direct download on a console than to buy a disc? Surely direct download saves the manufacturer costs on transport, shipping, actual materials for disks and packaging, setting up deals with retailers etc…


Why do games cost more to direct download on a console than to buy a disc? Surely direct download saves the manufacturer costs on transport, shipping, actual materials for disks and packaging, setting up deals with retailers etc…

In: Technology

23 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Simple answer is to have parity with brick and mortar stores and to not upset your supply chain. If you make things inherently cheaper online, you’re going to have your stores upset that you’re undercutting them. Start doing that and all of a sudden they have no room for your consoles or accessories.

So even if you can sell for cheaper online and selling online is inherently cheaper than shipping a disc and displaying it, you want to keep the prices the same to appease stores that sell your products so you have a footprint in the physical places people shop.

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