Why do games cost more to direct download on a console than to buy a disc? Surely direct download saves the manufacturer costs on transport, shipping, actual materials for disks and packaging, setting up deals with retailers etc…


Why do games cost more to direct download on a console than to buy a disc? Surely direct download saves the manufacturer costs on transport, shipping, actual materials for disks and packaging, setting up deals with retailers etc…

In: Technology

23 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Phage is spot on with pricing not being related to costs

Another factor is that a manufacturer will often promise not to sell directly for less than a certain price as this would undercut the sales of their retail partners. This is common for hardware that is rebranded and sold under a different name, there’s no reason to buy the rebranded model for $80 if the identical original model model is only $70. What the manufacturer loses in margin they make up for in volume and reduced distribution costs on their side (its cheaper and easier to send 10k units on a skid to a store than to 10k different addresses)

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