Why do germs exist and where did they originate from?


Why do germs exist and where did they originate from?

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5 Answers

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There is no true answer. Some scientists believe that viruses are a form of proto life, and were a big part in how the different parts of DNA came together to form the first forms of life on Earth, other “germs” like protozoa, and bacteria. These germs are completely different in nature. Some produce poisonous waste, and others physically feed on us. For example the ones that cause cavities, eat the sugar left behind in our teeth, and their waste is acidic, and weakens the suffice of our teeth. With these simpler forms of life, we’re brought back to the beginning of all life on Earth. While today they maybe different, they are closer related to the beginning, than anyone else that is alive today. So why? One can say that they exist so the whole world can exist.

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